Alanya Scuba Diving Options 2024

Alanya Scuba Diving Options 2024

The beautiful blue waters touching the shores of Alanya are more than just a perfect background for sunny vacations; they are a door to the amazing world under the surface. As the sun goes up over the Taurus Mountains, a new kind of exciting experience happens, attracting those who seek thrills. Let's dive into the depths of Alanya's scuba diving and find the treasures that are waiting for us.

Why Go Scuba Diving in Alanya?

An escape to Alanya is a getaway for more than just city folks; it's an invitation for divers from all over the world. The clear depths of the Mediterranean, often compared to the Caribbean, have a wide variety of marine creatures and underwater views that are simply enchanting.

The Health Benefits of Scuba Diving

Scuba diving is not only an exciting hobby; it's also a type of exercise that works multiple muscle groups. The extra resistance in the water means divers need oxygen-rich blood, which can lead to a faster heart rate and better circulation. Also, the quiet and peacefulness underwater can be like meditation, a type of therapy for your mind.

A Person Diving

Option 1: Alanya Scuba Diving Tour

If you want to try scuba diving, the Alanya Scuba Diving Tour is a great choice. You'll have a complete and easy experience.

Your Journey Beneath the Waves

The tour starts with transportation to the dive site, so you don't have to worry about getting there. Once you arrive, you'll do two dives. The first dive is an introduction for beginners to get used to the equipment and breathing underwater. After a break, you'll do a second dive to explore more underwater.

Inclusions and Practical Details

You'll have lunch between the dives, with grilled chicken, fresh salads, and rice to keep your energy up. The tour is guided by professionals who will give you a safety briefing and support you in the water. They also make sure to protect the marine environment. All the diving equipment you need will be provided, so just bring your sense of adventure.

The price for this amazing underwater day varies from $80 to $120, depending on the season.



Option 2: Alanya VIP Scuba Diving by Aqua Yacht

If you want to experience luxury while diving, you must try the VIP Scuba Diving option with Aqua Yacht.

During the Elite Dive, you'll go on a fancy yacht to explore exclusive dive spots that are far away from the usual places. You'll also get to enjoy a delicious lunch with grilled food, fresh salads, and tasty appetizers. And when you come back up, you can have soft drinks, beer, and wine from the yacht's service.

Your safety and comfort are important, so you'll have an experienced professional with you while you explore the underwater world. The VIP package also includes insurance for extra peace of mind. It doesn't matter if you're an experienced diver or it's your first time, this package promises to give you an unforgettable experience. The all-inclusive option costs $150 to $250 per person, depending on the season and how many people are in your group.



Option 3: Alanya Scuba Diving Tour by Aqua Boat

The Scuba Diving Tour by Aqua Boat is designed for divers who want a simple and expert experience.

An Inclusive Adventure

This tour covers everything you need: transportation to the dive site, dive equipment, an experienced instructor, and insurance. After going underwater in Alanya, you can enjoy hot drinks on the boat while talking about the amazing things you saw.

The Affordable Luxury

This option lets you try scuba diving for a reasonable price of $60 to $90, which is great for people on a budget. Despite the low cost, we prioritize your safety and satisfaction.

Scuba diving in Alanya is not just for experts; it's an activity that anyone who wants to explore can enjoy. When deciding which dive to choose, think about more than just the location. Consider the overall experience of each option. Pick the tour that matches what you want, whether it's adventure, comfort, or affordability. Get ready to be amazed by the silence and beauty of life under the water in Alanya. Whether you go diving once or become a regular explorer, this experience will create memories and bring benefits that will last a lifetime.

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