How to Stay Healthy When Traveling?

How to Stay Healthy When Traveling?

Traveling lets you see new places, learn about different cultures, and try new foods. But, while you're having fun exploring, it's very important to take care of your health. This way, you can enjoy your trip without any problems. This guide gives you simple tips for staying healthy while traveling. It helps travelers enjoy their trips fully without being worried about getting sick.


1. Choose seats away from the aisle on planes for a healthier trip. When you pick your seat on a plane, think about not choosing an aisle seat. It’s easy for getting up without bothering others, but it has downsides. You might get disturbed more by people needing to get past you, and you’re more likely to catch germs. A study in 2008 by health experts found that people sitting in aisle seats catch more germs during sickness outbreaks. This might be because people walking in the aisle, especially those from the bathroom, touch the top of aisle seats, leaving germs. Even though plane air is cleaned through filters that catch germs, the air is very dry which can be a risk. So, it’s important to drink lots of water during your flight to stay healthy.

2. If flying makes you nervous, try deep breathing to calm down. Being scared of flying can be lessened by a simple breathing technique. Breathe in slowly through your nose and out through your mouth, counting to five each time. Slowly make your breaths deeper, trying to count to 10, and keep doing this until you feel calmer. Adding meditation to your daily life can help too, giving you a way to escape from your worries. If you’re often too worried to sleep before flying or have panic attacks on planes, talking to a doctor about medicine for anxiety might make traveling easier.

3. Sleeping well is key to a strong immune system. A study in 2015 showed sleeping well is very important for staying healthy, especially when traveling to different time zones. Changes to your body’s clock can make you get sick more easily. To avoid this, try to change your sleeping time to the time of your destination a week before your trip. If you can’t match it exactly, get as close as you can. Eating light meals on the plane, drinking plenty of water, and not having drinks like alcohol and caffeine can help. Once you arrive, being in the sunlight can help your body get used to the new time faster. And don’t forget, always use sunscreen when you’re out in the sun!

4. Always pack a first-aid kit when you travel, especially if you have kids. It's really important to have a basic first-aid kit when you're exploring new places, especially with little ones. In your kit, you should have simple pain or fever relievers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen, bug spray, antibacterial wipes or hand sanitizer to keep your hands clean, something for motion sickness, something for diarrhea like Pepto-Bismol or Imodium, different sizes of band-aids for small cuts, a disinfectant to clean wounds, and an antibiotic cream like Neosporin to prevent infections. Also, always carry any personal medicines in your hand luggage so you don't lose them if your checked bags get lost or delayed.

5. Drink lots of water on your trip. It's really important to drink enough water, especially when you're out exploring or relaxing by the pool. It's easy to forget to drink water when you're having fun. To stay hydrated, always carry a water bottle. Start your day by drinking two glasses of water in the morning or with your breakfast. This can help you feel more energetic and healthy while you're away.

6. Be careful with what you eat and drink. When you travel, you'll see lots of different foods, especially in less-developed places. It's important to be careful with what you eat and drink to avoid getting sick. Only eat meat that is cooked well and served hot. Be careful with raw veggies and dairy products, especially from small places or if they've been in the sun. Drinking bottled water is usually safer than tap water because tap water quality changes from place to place. Be careful with ice cubes too, because they might not be clean. Even though you might want to try everything when you're at a buffet or all-inclusive resort, eating and drinking too much can make you feel bad. Choosing fewer, better-quality items can help you enjoy your vacation more.

7. Keep moving. You might think the best vacation is just relaxing on the beach for hours, but being active can make your holiday better. Doing some exercise every day, like going to the gym, walking or biking to see places instead of using taxis, or working out in your room, will make you feel good and full of energy. Doing some physical activity helps your body fight off sickness and makes you happy by releasing special chemicals called endorphins, making your vacation more fun.

8. Take care of your skin. It's important to protect your skin from the sun to enjoy your vacation without worries. Getting a sunburn can quickly spoil your fun. Bring things like a hat with a wide brim and an umbrella, and use sunscreen that protects against both UVA and UVB rays from the sun with an SPF of 30 or more. Sunburn might hurt for a little while, but getting skin cancer from too much sun is a big risk that you should avoid.

9. Make sure your shots are up to date. Being up-to-date with your vaccinations is important for your trip. Also, if you're going to places where there are diseases from mosquitoes or other risks, talk to a doctor who knows about travel medicine well before you leave. They can give you the right shots to keep you safe from these health risks, making your trip safer and more fun.

10. See a doctor before you go. Your doctor can tell you about the shots you need to stay safe from diseases like typhoid and hepatitis A that are common in some places. Your doctor can also give you medicine to prevent malaria and tips on how to avoid mosquito and tick bites and other problems.

11. Eat breakfast. Breakfast is very important, especially when traveling. Start your day with something healthy like fruit, or oatmeal.

12. Eat less sweets and drink less alcohol. It's tempting to eat and drink a lot when traveling, but too much can make you gain weight and mess up your sleep. Try to enjoy sweets and alcohol only a little.

13. Choose healthy foods. It's important to eat well when traveling. When eating out, pick dishes with lots of fruits and vegetables. You can also make your own healthy meals like salads and sandwiches. Keep snacks like apples, oranges, bananas, or nuts handy for energy.

14. Wash your hands. You touch a lot of germs every day, and even more when traveling. To avoid getting sick, wash your hands often, especially before eating. If you can't wash them, use wet wipes or hand sanitizer.

15. Don't push yourself too hard. When traveling, it's easy to try to do too much, but this can make you very tired and sick. Take your time, enjoy exploring, and rest when you need to.

16. Beat jet lag. Jet lag can make it hard to enjoy your trip. To avoid it, you can try taking melatonin or drinking chamomile tea to help you sleep during your flight and the first few nights after you arrive. Wear earplugs and an eye mask to block out noise and light. Try not to use your phone or computer before bed. Stay away from alcohol and caffeine as they can mess up your sleep. Drink lots of water instead. And don't sleep in too much when you arrive - try to get used to the new time zone quickly. Here is our blog post about how to defeat the jet lag.


Staying healthy when you travel is all about planning ahead, being careful, and doing things to keep yourself well. Make sure you drink plenty of water, choose healthy food, keep up with your exercise, and protect your skin. It's also important to know about any shots you might need to protect against sickness. By following these simple tips, you can stay healthy and enjoy your travels more, keeping well both on your journey and when you get to your destination.

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