Ramadan in Dubai 2024: Ramadan Markets You Can Visit, Working Hours, Iftar and Suhoor

Ramadan in Dubai 2024: Ramadan Markets You Can Visit, Working Hours, Iftar and Suhoor

As Ramadan nears, Dubai gets ready for a time of prayer, community, and thinking. During Ramadan, both people who live here and visitors can take part in special activities that show the city's true culture and religion. You can join in the Iftar dinners each night and feel the spiritual atmosphere all around you. Ramadan in Dubai is a unique experience. If you're here this Ramadan, here's a simple guide to enjoying this special time.

What is Ramadan?

Before we talk about the events and things to do, let's know what Ramadan means in Dubai. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. People pray a lot, fast from dawn to dusk, and have big meals at night. For Muslims, it's a time to be disciplined, pray more, and be kind to others.

During Ramadan, fasting is a key religious practice in Islam. It's required for all adult Muslims, unless they are sick, traveling, pregnant, breastfeeding, diabetic, or having their period. The fast starts before sunrise (Suhoor) and finishes at sunset (Iftar).

During Ramadan, people focus on helping others and doing good deeds. In Dubai, groups like the Red Crescent Authority and Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan Foundation arrange free dinners for everyone, including Muslims and non-Muslims.

One of the special nights in Ramadan is Laylat al-Qadr, also known as the Night of Power. It's believed to have happened during this month. It's the night when the first verses of the Quran were given to Prophet Muhammad.

ramadan dubai 2024

Ramadan in Dubai

During Ramadan in Dubai, there are special customs and practices. Whether you live there or are visiting, it's vital to respect and understand these traditions. The city goes through changes in how people live, behave in public, and when businesses are open.

Iftars and Suhoors

Iftar meals are eaten by Muslims to break their fast in the evening. Suhoor meals are eaten in the early morning before fasting starts. Dubai is known for its fancy Iftars and Suhoors. Many hotels, restaurants, and private places serve delicious meals with a mix of traditional and modern dishes.

Free Iftars

For those looking to indulge in the spirit of community and charity, attending a free Iftar is a rewarding experience. You can find these Iftars in various locations across the city, often in the form of community tents set up near mosques and gathering places.

Traditional Ramadan Markets

Hai Ramadan

Dubai's big Ramadan celebration at Expo City is back this year. It's called Hai Ramadan and it's for the whole community. You can find more than 20 places to eat and buy food for breaking your fast. They also sell handmade crafts and traditional clothes. Kids can get candy from a special store using tokens from a 'Floos bank'. They have iftar and suhoor meals there too. It's free if you book iftar or suhoor, or AED 20 for entry without booking. Open from 5 PM to midnight every day during Ramadan.

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Ramadan Souq

Dubai Municipality is setting up a traditional market during Ramadan in Bur Deira. The market will offer live shows, kids' activities, and everything you need for Ramadan. Deira markets have been around since the 19th century, and Dubai Municipality wants to highlight these historic areas in Ramadan. This market will end before Ramadan starts and will also feature food. It's free and runs daily until Saturday, March 9th, from 10 AM to 10 PM at Old Municipality Street, Bur Deira.

The Ramadan District

This Ramadan market in Dubai is one of the biggest. It has lots of snacks and stalls open from sunset until dawn. You can find famous brands like Maybelline New York and local businesses there, close to the Museum of the Future. Enjoy board games, interactive games, arts and crafts, and cooking classes. Don't miss the henna and calligraphy artists! The market is open every day from Fri, Mar 15 to Thu, Apr 4, from 5 PM to 2 AM at Plaza Terrace, Jumeirah Emirates Towers.

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Social and Religious Events

During Ramadan, the Islamic Authority in Dubai organizes different religious events. These events help people grow spiritually and connect with their community. They include talks about Islamic teachings, guidance on religious practices, and sermons that give insights. These gatherings are important for people to learn more about Islam and create a united religious community during this special month.

In addition, Dubai hosts a major global competition called the Dubai International Holy Quran Award. This event brings top Quran reciters from around the world. It celebrates the art of Quran recitation and encourages people to memorize and pronounce the Quran correctly. This competition showcases the beauty and skills involved in reciting the Quran.

These activities enhance Dubai's cultural and spiritual atmosphere during Ramadan. They provide residents and visitors with a rich experience of Islamic devotion and community spirit.

Charitable Activities

Dubai is a city that shows kindness, especially during Ramadan. Groups that help people in need work hard to make sure everyone has enough food in this month. Taking part in these actions makes you feel really good inside.

Zakat and Sadaqah

During Ramadan, people give a lot. You can do Zakat, which is a must charity, or Sadaqah, which is when you give freely. This helps many different causes and people. The money goes to locations such as orphanages, schools, and hospitals. Giving back at this special time helps cleanse the soul and express thanks for everything we possess.


Lots of groups in Dubai host volunteering events in Ramadan. They do things like giving out food, visiting kids without parents and old people, and cleaning up the area. Volunteering in Ramadan is a good chance to help the community and you get lots of blessings and rewards for it too.

Iftar Tables

Joining community Iftar tables in the city or helping out at public or private Iftar events is a nice way to meet local people and help those in need. This helps people connect and feel like a team, no matter where they come from or how much money they have.

ramadan table

Ramadan Etiquette for Non-Muslims

For those who are not Muslim, respecting Ramadan customs in Dubai is a way to be polite and be part of the local culture. It's a good idea to learn and follow some rules to be thoughtful and make everyone feel included.

Public Behavior

During Ramadan, it's polite to avoid eating, drinking, and smoking in public during the day to respect those who are fasting.

Dress Code

It's best to dress modestly during Ramadan by covering your shoulders and knees, especially when you're at religious places or Iftar events.

Health Tips During Ramadan

During Ramadan, it's important to focus on health whether you're fasting or not. Fasting can affect your body, so staying healthy is key. Here are some tips to help you out:

Suhoor and Hydration

  • Suhoor meal gives you energy for the day, so eat nutritious foods and drink lots of water to avoid dehydration.

Transition Period

  • At the start of Ramadan, your body might find it tough. Adjust your sleep and meal times slowly to help your body get used to the changes without stress.

Physical Exercise

  • Do light to moderate exercises to keep fit. In Dubai, many fitness places and parks change their schedules during Ramadan, so you can stay active.

Consumer Protection During Ramadan

During Ramadan in Dubai, it's important to know your rights as a shopper. Dubai keeps a close eye on businesses to make sure they play fair. Watch out for prices going up a lot, especially for things that are popular during Ramadan. The Dubai Consumer Protection Department checks prices to stop them from getting too high. If you're shopping for souvenirs in Dubai during Ramadan, you can find good ones at traditional markets. Just make sure you check the quality and make sure they're real before you buy.

Working Hours and Ramadan in Dubai

During Ramadan in Dubai, working hours change to respect local traditions. This means people work shorter hours and businesses have different opening times.

Reduced Working Hours

Work hours are cut by a few hours for public and private sectors. Employers must follow these rules.

Restaurant and Grocery Hours

Eateries and stores adjust their hours for fasting. Some close during the day and open after evening prayers.

Transportation Services

Public transport like the Dubai Metro change schedules. Plan your trips around busy times like Iftar and Suhoor. Taxis are available throughout the day. However, drivers often take a break to pray.

Celebrating at Home

During Ramadan in Dubai, families find warmth at home. They host or go to Iftars and Suhoors, making it a cozy way to celebrate.

  • Try out traditional Ramadan recipes and make dishes at home that capture the spirit of the season.
  • Get together with family for meals and prayers, making a festive and thoughtful atmosphere.
  • Decorate your home with special Ramadan lanterns called "fanous" for a calm space that encourages spiritual reflection.

Participating in Nightly Prayers

Taraweeh, the special evening prayers during Ramadan, are important prayers held at mosques in the city. Many Muslims enjoy taking part in these prayers during Ramadan. Remember to behave respectfully and dress modestly when you go to mosques. Even non-Muslims can watch the prayers and experience the mosque atmosphere. Mosques are not just for prayers; they are also places for community interactions. You can join conversations, hear sermons, and take part in activities after the prayers.

ramadan dubai 2024

Making the Most of the Ramadan Spirit

Ramadan is a time to slow down and focus on faith, family, and helping others. Even if you're not fasting, you can still get into the spirit of the month in many ways:

Volunteering: Many charities need volunteers during Ramadan. You could help give out meals or organize events to make a difference.

Cultural Events: Go to events that celebrate local culture and show what Ramadan is about. You'll learn more about Dubai's diverse culture.

Personal Time: Take a moment to think about your life. Write in a journal, meditate, or just be quiet. Ramadan is a good time for personal growth and making positive changes.

Discover the City While You Fast

Fasting during Ramadan in Dubai doesn't mean you miss out on exploring the lively city. There are many cool things to see and do. Begin by visiting Zabeel Palace to admire its beautiful buildings and peaceful gardens. Then, check out the Museum of the Future for a peek at upcoming technologies. Don't forget to visit the Dubai Frame for amazing views of both old and new parts of the city.

Don't miss Bastakiya, the old part of Dubai. Here, you can see narrow streets and old buildings that show how the city used to be. The Spice Souq and Gold Souq are great for people who want to experience Dubai's busy markets. They are full of bright colors and nice smells. If you like history, visit the Etihad Museum to learn about how the United Arab Emirates started.

Find spiritual peace at the Al Farooq Omar Bin Al Khattab Mosque, a beautiful place welcoming everyone. Then, snap a photo at the famous Burj Al Arab hotel with its unique sail shape. Next, enjoy a ride on the Monorail for a different view of the city. Explore JBR skyline, Dubai Marina Walk, and Dubai Mall for shopping and beautiful walks. Finish your day with the amazing Dubai Fountain Show and watch the stunning Waterfalls. It's a great way to end a day of discovery and reflection during Ramadan.



We have listed the best iftars in Dubai for you!

Ramadan in Dubai is a special time that is both humbling and rewarding. When you take part in the traditions and celebrations, you learn more about Islam and join a worldwide community united in togetherness and kindness. Make sure to stay updated on the latest events and rules from official sources, and approach the month with an open heart and a curious spirit. Wishing you a generous Ramadan.

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