Коллекция: Аланья
Аланья — известный курортный город на южном побережье Турции, известный своей живописной гаванью, прекрасными пляжами и бурной ночной жизнью. Посетители могут понежиться на солнце на пляже Клеопатры, исследовать впечатляющий замок Алании или купить сувениры на оживленном базаре. Искатели приключений могут попробовать парасейлинг или отправиться на экскурсию на лодке, чтобы исследовать близлежащие пещеры и бухты. Благодаря солнечному климату, оживленной атмосфере и потрясающим пейзажам Аланья — идеальное место для веселого и захватывающего отдыха… Tripventura здесь для того, чтобы вы могли провести отпуск, полный ежедневных туров и поездок.

Откройте для себя лучшее, чем можно заняться в Алании вместе с нами
Откройте для себя новейшие туры, трансферы, мероприятия и многое другое

Откройте для себя лучшие развлечения в Алании
Откройте для себя лучшее, что может предложить Алания, с помощью нашей тщательно подобранной подборки туров, входных билетов и мероприятий.

Откройте для себя традиционный турецкий хаммам
Откройте для себя самое продаваемое традиционное занятие — турецкий хаммам

Откройте для себя лучшие комбинированные туры в Алании
Забронируйте лучшие комбинированные туры и получите дополнительную скидку на комбинированные туры
Алания: обязательные мероприятия
Экскурсия на пиратской лодке по Алании с обедом-барбекю, неограниченным количеством безалкогольных напитков и трансфером туда и обратно
Обычная цена $16.00 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за$24.00 USDЦена со скидкой $16.00 USDРаспродажа -
Джип-сафари в Алании, обед на реке Дим и пещера Дим
Обычная цена $20.00 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за -
Турецкая баня и спа в Алании с ароматерапией, маской для лица, рыбным спа и трансфером туда и обратно
Обычная цена $22.00 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за$30.00 USDЦена со скидкой $22.00 USDРаспродажа -
Экскурсия на лодке по острову Сулуада, обед, трансфер из Алании
Обычная цена $56.00 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за
Алания Комбо предложения
Комбинированные предложения Алании с несколькими турами в одном комбо по сниженной цене
Сплав по реке, сафари на багги, трансфер из Алании
Обычная цена $36.00 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за -
200+ Booked
КомбоАланьяСплав по реке, сафари на квадроциклах и зиплайн-тур с барбекю-ланчем и трансфером из Алании
Обычная цена $44.00 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за -
Каньон Тази, сплав по реке, обед с трансфером из Алании
Обычная цена $45.00 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за -
200+ Booked
КомбоАланьяСплав по реке, сафари на квадроциклах и зиплайн, обед с трансфером из Алании
Обычная цена $43.00 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за
Сафари-туры в Алании
Джип-сафари в Алании, обед на реке Дим и пещера Дим
Обычная цена $20.00 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за -
Alanya Adventures Багги-сафари с трансфером
Обычная цена $38.50 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за -
Сафари-тур на квадроциклах с трансфером туда и обратно из Алании
Обычная цена $22.00 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за$27.50 USDЦена со скидкой $22.00 USDРаспродажа -
Экскурсия по водопаду каньона Сападере, обед из Алании
Обычная цена $25.00 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за$33.00 USDЦена со скидкой $25.00 USDРаспродажа
Алания: туры на лодках и яхтах
Лучшие туры на лодках и яхтах в Аланию
Круиз на катамаране по Алании, обед-барбекю, неограниченные безалкогольные напитки и трансфер туда и обратно
Обычная цена $16.00 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за$24.00 USDЦена со скидкой $16.00 USDРаспродажа -
1K+ Booked
ГородАланьяЭкскурсия на лодке по Зеленому каньону, обед, безалкогольные напитки, трансфер из Алании
Обычная цена $35.00 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за -
Экскурсия на лодке по острову Сулуада, обед, трансфер из Алании
Обычная цена $56.00 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за -
Расслабляющий тур на лодке по Алании с обедом-барбекю, неограниченным количеством безалкогольных напитков и трансфером туда и обратно
Обычная цена $23.00 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за
Приключенческие туры в Аланию
Лучшие приключенческие туры в Алании
Опыт стрельбы в Аланье с трансфером туда и обратно
Обычная цена $52.00 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за -
Частный тур-сафари на багги в Алании с трансфером
Обычная цена $67.00 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за -
Приключение на воздушной подушке в Алании с трансфером туда и обратно
Обычная цена $52.00 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за -
Парапланерный тур в Алании с трансфером
Обычная цена $45.00 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за$60.00 USDЦена со скидкой $45.00 USDРаспродажа
Алания Природа и Культура Туры
Алания: лучшие природные и культурные туры
50+ Booked
КультураАланьяБилет на целый день в тематический парк Land of Legends и ночное шоу с трансфером из Алании
Обычная цена $110.00 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за -
100+ Booked
КультураАланьяДемре, Мира, древний город Кекова, культурный тур, обед, трансфер из Алании
Обычная цена $80.00 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за -
50+ Booked
КультураАланьяСафари на осликах в Алании и тур по деревне с обедом-барбекю и трансфером
Обычная цена $53.00 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за -
Аквариум Анталии с входом и трансфером из Алании
Обычная цена $71.50 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за
Турецкая баня и хаммам в Алании
Турецкая баня и спа в Алании с ароматерапией, маской для лица, рыбным спа и трансфером туда и обратно
Обычная цена $22.00 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за$30.00 USDЦена со скидкой $22.00 USDРаспродажа -
200+ Booked
спаАланьяКлассическая турецкая баня и спа Alanya Orient с ароматерапевтическим массажем и трансфером
Обычная цена $20.00 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за -
Турецкая баня и спа с процедурами с алоэ вера, массажем всего тела и трансфером туда и обратно из Алании
Обычная цена $40.00 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за -
Эксклюзивная женская турецкая баня и спа-центр Ultra Deluxe с массажем горячими камнями и трансфером туда и обратно
Обычная цена $41.00 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за
Водные виды спорта в Алании
Шоу дельфинов и морских львов в Алании: вход с трансфером
Обычная цена $44.00 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за -
Подводное плавание, обед и трансфер из Алании
Обычная цена $49.00 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за$42.00 USDЦена со скидкой $49.00 USD -
Экскурсия на водном велосипеде по Алании
Обычная цена $31.00 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за -
Плавание с дельфинами, опытные тренеры и трансфер из Алании
Обычная цена $140.00 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за
Каталог товаров
Откройте для себя все лучшие продукты/услуги, которые мы предоставляем в Алании.
Сплав по реке, сафари на багги, трансфер из Алании
Обычная цена $36.00 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за -
VIP-трансфер Алании в аэропорт Анталии
Обычная цена $75.00 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за -
Экскурсия на яхте Starcraft в Алании, обед и трансфер
Обычная цена $27.00 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за -
Шоу дельфинов и морских львов в Алании: вход с трансфером
Обычная цена $44.00 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за -
Частный тур-сафари на багги в Алании с трансфером
Обычная цена $67.00 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за -
Экскурсия по водопаду каньона Сападере, обед из Алании
Обычная цена $25.00 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за$33.00 USDЦена со скидкой $25.00 USDРаспродажа -
100+ Booked
КультураАланьяДемре, Мира, древний город Кекова, культурный тур, обед, трансфер из Алании
Обычная цена $80.00 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за -
Подводное плавание, обед и трансфер из Алании
Обычная цена $49.00 USDОбычная ценаЦена за единицу / за$42.00 USDЦена со скидкой $49.00 USD
Why Choose Alanya for Your Next Vacation?
Alanya is a perfect vacation destination that combines stunning natural beauty, rich culture, and endless activities. Whether you're looking to relax on its beautiful beaches, explore historic sites, or enjoy exciting outdoor adventures, Alanya offers something for every traveler.
🟢 Diverse Activities for All Ages
Alanya offers something for everyone, from relaxing beach days to thrilling adventures like rafting and jeep safaris.
🟢 Rich in History
Explore Alanya’s fascinating history with attractions like Dim Cave, Alanya Castle, and the old town.
🟢 Budget-Friendly Destination
Alanya provides world-class experiences at affordable prices, making it an ideal spot for all kinds of travelers.
🟢 Perfect for Groups and Families
With a wide variety of activities, Alanya caters to families and group travel, ensuring everyone has a great time.
Everything You Need to Know About Alanya Tours & Attractions
Discover the Best Things to Do in Alanya
Alanya, located on the southern coast of Turkey, is one of the most stunning and diverse travel destinations. Whether you’re seeking outdoor adventure, cultural immersion, or pure relaxation, things to do in Alanya will meet your every expectation. From exploring majestic caves to exhilarating water activities, Alanya offers something for everyone.
With its year-round pleasant climate, rich history, and world-class attractions, it’s no wonder Alanya, Turkey has become a sought-after destination for travelers. Below, we’ve compiled the must-see spots and activities that will make your trip unforgettable.
Explore Alanya’s Natural Wonders
🟢 Sapadere Canyon – Nature’s Hidden Gem
One of the most breathtaking natural wonders in Alanya, Sapadere Canyon is a hidden treasure just waiting to be explored. The canyon features beautiful walking paths, cascading waterfalls, and vibrant greenery. It’s a serene escape for those looking to connect with nature. Perfect for hiking, photography, or just relaxing by the crystal-clear water, this is a must-visit location for nature lovers.
🟢 Dim Cave – A Majestic Underground World
Delve deep into one of Alanya’s most fascinating attractions: Dim Cave. Known for its unique rock formations and cool atmosphere, this stunning cave is an essential part of any Alanya itinerary. Its beautiful stalactites and stalagmites form a natural gallery, and the cave’s cool interior offers a refreshing break during the hot summer months.
🟢 Dim River – Relax by Alanya’s Serene Waterways
Enjoy a peaceful afternoon at Dim River, one of Alanya's most serene and scenic locations. Set against the backdrop of the majestic Taurus Mountains, this river is the perfect place for a relaxing picnic or a boat ride. The area is surrounded by lush nature, offering a calm and rejuvenating experience for all visitors.
Thrilling Activities and Excursions in Alanya
🟢 Paragliding Alanya – Soar Over Cleopatra Beach
For an adrenaline rush, paragliding in Alanya offers the chance to soar above the stunning Cleopatra Beach and take in panoramic views of the coast. Whether you're an experienced paraglider or a first-timer, this activity is a safe and exhilarating way to view Alanya from the sky. Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to glide through the skies over one of Turkey’s most beautiful beaches.
🟢 Alanya Rafting – Experience the Rush of the Rapids
For those who enjoy a bit of adventure on the water, Alanya rafting is an exciting and dynamic experience. Set in the scenic Alanya region, the rafting tour will take you through fast-moving waters while surrounded by breathtaking natural landscapes. It’s an activity suited for families, friends, or adventure-seekers looking to make unforgettable memories.
🟢 Jeep Safari Alanya Turkey – Off-Road Adventures Await
If you want to experience Alanya’s stunning landscapes in a unique way, a Jeep Safari in Alanya is an exciting way to explore the region. Journey through off-road tracks, picturesque villages, and wild terrain while learning about local culture and history. Perfect for thrill-seekers, this safari provides an adrenaline-packed day amidst Alanya's natural beauty.
Alanya’s Iconic Attractions – What to See and Do
🟢 Land of Legends Show – A Spectacular Performance
A must-see while in Alanya is the Land of Legends Show. This dazzling performance combines fantasy, music, and visuals, providing an unforgettable experience for all ages. Located within the famous Land of Legends theme park, the show takes you through an enchanting world full of spectacle and wonder.
🟢 Aqua Park Alanya Turkey – Water Fun for Everyone
When you’re ready to cool off, Aqua Park Alanya Turkey offers a full day of water fun. With a wide variety of slides, wave pools, and areas for the whole family to enjoy, it’s the perfect place to spend a hot summer day. The park is safe, clean, and filled with plenty of water activities, making it an ideal spot for families and thrill-seekers alike.
🟢 Dolphin Show Alanya – Meet the Majestic Dolphins
The Dolphin Show in Alanya is a highlight for animal lovers and families. Watch as these intelligent creatures perform tricks, leap through hoops, and engage with the audience. It’s an educational and fun show, providing visitors with a chance to get up close to these friendly mammals.
Relax and Unwind with Alanya’s Wellness Offerings
🟢 Alanya History Hamam – Traditional Turkish Bath
No visit to Alanya is complete without experiencing the rejuvenating effects of a Turkish bath. The Alanya History Hamam offers visitors the chance to unwind in a traditional bathhouse. Relax in the steam room, enjoy a full-body scrub, and finish off with a soothing massage. The Alanya hamam experience is a deeply cultural tradition that not only cleanses your body but also relaxes your mind.
🟢 Massage Alanya – The Perfect Way to Relax
After a long day of sightseeing or adventure, treat yourself to a relaxing massage in Alanya. Whether you prefer a deep tissue massage to relieve muscle tension or a lighter aromatherapy massage to unwind, massage Alanya offers a variety of therapeutic options to help you feel your best. Indulge in the luxury of professional spa treatments that will leave you refreshed and energized.
🟢 Spa Alanya – Rejuvenate Your Mind and Body
For a complete wellness experience, Spa Alanya offers everything you need for ultimate relaxation. From luxurious treatments like facials and body wraps to full spa packages that include massages and wellness therapies, Alanya’s spas provide a tranquil escape where you can relax and rejuvenate. Whether you're looking for a day of pampering or a therapeutic experience, the spas in Alanya are designed to restore balance to your body and mind.
🟢 Alanya Boat Tour – Set Sail Across Beautiful Coastlines
For a unique way to see Alanya, hop on a boat tour Alanya and set sail across the stunning coastline. Cruise along the Mediterranean, visiting hidden coves, caves, and secluded beaches. Take a swim in the crystal-clear waters, enjoy the sun, and relax while exploring the beauty of Alanya from the water. This is one of the most popular things to do in Alanya, especially for those looking for a leisurely day on the water.
🟢 Dolphin Park Alanya – A Family-Friendly Attraction
Visit Dolphin Park Alanya for an unforgettable experience with these magnificent creatures. The park offers shows, interactive sessions, and the opportunity to learn about these intelligent animals in a safe and educational environment. Whether you're with family or friends, a trip to Dolphin Park Alanya is an exciting and memorable way to spend the day.
Plan Your Trip with Ease – Alanya Airport Transfers
🟢 Easy Access to Alanya with Reliable Transfers
No need to worry about transportation when you arrive in Alanya. Alanya Airport Transfer services provide reliable and comfortable options for getting to your hotel or any destination within Alanya. Whether you’re flying into Gazipasa Airport or Antalya Airport, our transfer services ensure that you’ll have a smooth and stress-free journey to your destination.
🟢 Alanya Airport Transfer – Comfortable and Convenient
Our Alanya airport transfer service offers door-to-door convenience. Forget the hassle of taxis or public transport—book your transfer in advance and enjoy a relaxing ride to your hotel or vacation rental. Whether you're traveling solo, with family, or in a group, our transfers are designed to provide maximum comfort and efficiency.
Explore More Exciting Activities in Alanya
🟢 Boat Trip Alanya Turkey – Discover Hidden Beaches
Looking for more adventure on the water? Boat trip Alanya Turkey offers an exciting opportunity to explore the hidden treasures of Alanya’s coastline. Cruise past the famous Cleopatra Beach, visit Pirates of Alanya, and discover secluded coves that are only accessible by boat. These trips often include stops for swimming and sunbathing, making them a great way to enjoy the Mediterranean.
🟢 Alanya Rafting – Conquer the Rapids
For those seeking excitement and adventure, Alanya rafting is an ideal option. Ride the rapids through the Taurus Mountains and feel the thrill of navigating the fast-moving rivers. Surrounded by stunning natural landscapes, Alanya rafting offers an adrenaline-packed day for you and your companions. This activity is perfect for those who love an adventurous outdoor experience.
🟢 Alanya Water Sports – Dive Into Fun
From jet skiing to parasailing, Alanya water sports offers plenty of options for water enthusiasts. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced rider, Alanya's beaches provide the perfect environment to engage in exciting water sports. Alanya water sport activities are designed for fun and safety, making it an ideal way to spend your day at the beach.
🟢 Alanya Cable Car – Enjoy Stunning Views
One of the most beautiful things to do in Alanya is to take a ride on the Alanya cable car. This scenic ride offers panoramic views of the city, the Alanya castle, and the surrounding Mediterranean coastline. It’s a great way to appreciate the beauty of Alanya from above while reaching the historic Alanya castle for a guided tour.
🟢 Alanya Old Town – A Journey Back in Time
Alanya’s old town is a historical treasure trove filled with charming streets, ancient ruins, and cultural landmarks. Stroll through the narrow alleys, visit the Alanya Castle, and explore historic sites like Cleopatra Beach Alanya history. Alanya sightseeing will give you an insight into the city’s rich history, from ancient civilizations to its Ottoman past. The old town is a must-visit for history lovers and those seeking a deeper connection with the local culture.
🟢 History Hamam Alanya – Experience the Traditional Bathhouse
For a truly authentic experience, enjoy a visit to history hamam Alanya. Traditional Turkish baths are an integral part of Turkish culture, offering a relaxing and rejuvenating experience. The Turkish bath Alanya experience includes a steam bath, body scrub, and massage, helping you relax and detoxify in a historic setting.
🟢 Alanya City Tour – Explore the Heart of the City
The Alanya city tour offers a comprehensive exploration of the best of Alanya attractions. From the iconic Alanya Castle to the historical Dim Cave Alanya, this guided tour takes you through the city’s most famous landmarks. Get insights into the city’s past, visit museums, and enjoy the architectural beauty of its Ottoman and Byzantine structures. The tour also includes a visit to Alanya’s best beaches and waterfalls.
🟢 Dolphin Show Alanya – A Must-See for Families
The Dolphin show Alanya is a family-friendly attraction that delights audiences of all ages. Watch the dolphins perform impressive tricks, leap through hoops, and interact with their trainers. It’s an engaging, educational, and fun experience for families, especially for those traveling with children.
🟢 Eftalia Aqua Park Turkey – Water Fun for All Ages
Eftalia Aqua Park Turkey is one of the largest and most popular water parks in the region, offering a variety of slides, wave pools, and lazy rivers. Perfect for families, this waterpark in Alanya features attractions for everyone, from thrilling water slides to relaxing poolside areas. Spend a day enjoying the water, and cool off in one of the many pools.
🟢 Pirate Ship Alanya – Adventure on the High Seas
Set sail on a pirate ship Alanya and enjoy a day filled with fun, adventure, and entertainment. The pirate boat tours are popular with families, offering a unique way to see Alanya’s coastline. These tours often include water fights, pirate performances, and opportunities to swim in crystal-clear bays.
🟢 Alanya Boat Tours Near Me – Perfect for Group Outings
For groups and families looking for a fun day on the water, boat tours near me are a great option. Whether you’re interested in a relaxing day of sightseeing, a private boat trip Alanya, or a party boat experience, Alanya has numerous boat tours to choose from. These tours give you the chance to enjoy the sea, explore secluded beaches, and even take part in water sports.
Explore Alanya Unique Landscapes
🟢 Green Canyon Alanya – A Paradise for Nature Lovers
If you’re looking for things to do in Alanya that allow you to connect with nature, a visit to Green Canyon Alanya is a must. This lush, emerald-colored lake surrounded by towering mountains offers an idyllic setting for relaxation and exploration. Whether you’re into hiking, boat tours, or simply soaking in the natural beauty, Green Canyon Alanya provides a tranquil retreat from the hustle and bustle of daily life.
🟢 Alanya Waterfall – A Refreshing Stop
The Alanya waterfall is another natural marvel that should be on your itinerary. Located in a peaceful setting, the waterfall offers a cool and refreshing experience. Whether you’re taking a hike to reach the waterfall or enjoying the surrounding nature, it’s a fantastic place to relax and enjoy the natural beauty of the region. Don't forget to snap a few photos for your travel memories!
🟢 Dim Cave Alanya – Explore the Depths of Nature
As part of Dim Cave Alanya, one of Turkey's most renowned caves, you'll discover stunning stalactites and stalagmites. This unique geological site is not only a natural wonder but also an adventure for the curious traveler. The cave’s cool interior provides a refreshing escape on a hot day, and the fascinating rock formations make it a perfect stop for nature lovers and photographers alike.
🟢 Cleopatra Beach Alanya – Sun, Sand, and Sea
No visit to Alanya is complete without spending time at Cleopatra Beach. Known for its golden sand and crystal-clear waters, this iconic beach is perfect for sunbathing, swimming, and water sports. With its clean facilities, beautiful surroundings, and rich history, Cleopatra Beach is an essential destination for beach lovers and those looking to relax by the sea.
🟢 Boat Tour Alanya – Cruise Along the Mediterranean
If you're looking to enjoy Alanya from the water, boat tour Alanya is one of the best ways to take in the breathtaking coastline. These boat tours provide stunning views of Alanya’s cliffs, beaches, and historical sites, including the famous Alanya castle and Dim Cave. Whether you're on a relaxing sightseeing tour or a lively pirate ship adventure, boat tours in Alanya provide a memorable and unique way to explore the region.
🟢 Pirate Ship Alanya – Fun on the High Seas
Set sail on a Pirate Ship Alanya for an exciting and playful day on the water. The tours feature pirate-themed entertainment, water activities, and visits to hidden beaches. This fun-filled excursion is perfect for families, friends, and anyone who loves a little adventure at sea.
🟢 Private Boat Trip Alanya – Personalized Experience
For those looking for a more exclusive experience, a private boat trip Alanya offers a luxurious and personalized day on the water. Tailor your journey to your preferences, whether you want to visit secluded beaches, swim in crystal-clear waters, or simply relax and enjoy the serenity of Alanya’s coastline. With a private boat tour, you can design your perfect day out on the Mediterranean.
🟢 Boat Trip Alanya Turkey – Explore the Coastline
Boat trip Alanya Turkey offers a comprehensive exploration of Alanya’s stunning coastline. Whether you’re looking for a family outing, a romantic escape, or a day full of adventure, these boat tours will give you the best views of the coast and the opportunity to enjoy swimming, fishing, or simply relaxing on the water. Many of these tours also include stops at local caves and hidden beaches for a truly unforgettable experience.
Alanya Rich History and Culture
🟢 Alanya City Tour – A Historical Exploration
Explore the heart of Alanya with a guided Alanya city tour. Visit historical landmarks like the Alanya Castle, Alanya old town, and the iconic Alanya Waterfall. You’ll learn about Alanya’s rich history, from its Roman and Byzantine past to its role in Ottoman Turkey. With a knowledgeable guide by your side, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the culture and significance of these ancient sites.
🟢 Alanya History Hamam – Traditional Turkish Bath
After a day of sightseeing, treat yourself to an authentic Alanya history hamam. This traditional Turkish bath is a relaxing and rejuvenating experience that has been part of Turkish culture for centuries. The hamam offers a full-body scrub, steam bath, and massage, helping you unwind and feel refreshed. It's the perfect way to relax after a long day of exploring Alanya's historical sites.
🟢 Alanya Dolphin Show – A Family Favorite
For a fun and family-friendly experience, don’t miss the Alanya dolphin show. Watch as dolphins leap through hoops, perform acrobatics, and interact with their trainers. It’s an entertaining and educational experience that both kids and adults will love. The show is held in a safe, controlled environment, allowing you to get close to these magnificent creatures while learning more about them.
🟢 Alanya Old Town – A Step Back in Time
Wander through the narrow streets of Alanya old town, where history comes to life. This charming district is home to historic buildings, mosques, and beautiful shops selling local crafts. You can also explore Alanya castle and Cleopatra Beach, both located nearby. The old town offers a delightful mix of culture, history, and modern-day Alanya, making it a perfect spot to enjoy a relaxing afternoon or evening.
Unveil the Charm of Alanya: Sunsets, Nightlife, and Adventure
Unveil the Charm of Alanya Sunsets and Nightlife
Sunset Alanya Turkey – A Picture-Perfect Moment
The sunset in Alanya is a truly mesmerizing sight. As the sun sets over the Mediterranean, casting a golden hue over the city, the view from Alanya Castle or Cleopatra Beach is simply breathtaking. If you’re looking for a romantic evening or a peaceful end to a day of exploration, enjoy sunset Alanya Turkey at one of the city’s many vantage points. It’s the perfect way to wrap up your Alanya experience, with stunning views and tranquil surroundings.
Alanya Sunset – A Moment of Magic
For those who love capturing the beauty of nature, sunset Alanya is the ideal opportunity for photography. The stunning views of the sun dipping into the Mediterranean are a perfect backdrop for creating lasting memories. You can enjoy the sunset Alanya from a boat, on the beach, or from the comfort of your hotel balcony. It’s a peaceful and magical moment that should not be missed.
Alanya Night Boat – Enjoy the Nightlife on the Water
If you’re seeking a lively and unique way to experience Alanya’s nightlife, the Alanya night boat is a fantastic choice. Set sail under the stars while enjoying a fun-filled night with music, dancing, and drinks. Whether you're celebrating with friends, having a romantic evening, or just looking for a new adventure, the Alanya night boat provides an unforgettable way to enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of Alanya after dark.
Alanya Party – Dance the Night Away
For those looking to enjoy the lively side of Alanya, there’s no better way to do it than by joining an Alanya party. The city offers a wide range of nightlife options, from energetic beach clubs to casual taverns. Enjoy music, dancing, and socializing as you experience the vibrant night scene of Alanya. Whether you prefer to sip cocktails by the sea or dance until the early morning, Alanya has something to offer for every partygoer.
The Ultimate Relaxation – Alanya Wellness and Spa Services
Alanya Spa – Your Wellness Escape
Indulge in pure relaxation with a visit to an Alanya spa. Whether you're looking for a calming facial, a deep tissue massage, or a rejuvenating body scrub, Alanya's wellness centers offer a wide variety of services. The tranquil atmosphere, combined with expert therapists and luxurious treatments, ensures that you’ll leave feeling renewed. Book your spa Alanya treatment today and enjoy a day of pampering and self-care.
Hammam Turkish Bath and Spa – A Deeply Relaxing Tradition
A traditional hammam experience is one of the most relaxing ways to unwind in Alanya. The Turkish bath Alanya offers a cultural experience that’s both soothing and invigorating. Indulge in a full-body scrub, steam bath, and oil massage, all while learning about the history and significance of the Turkish bath. It’s the perfect activity to add to your Alanya itinerary for both relaxation and cultural immersion.
Alanya Massage – Refresh and Recharge
After a day of sightseeing or adventure, massage Alanya is the perfect way to relax and relieve tension. Whether you choose a Swedish, deep tissue, or hot stone massage, the professional spa treatments will leave you feeling rejuvenated. With a wide range of options available, including massage Alanya price packages, you can select the treatment that best fits your needs and budget. Enjoy the luxury of a personalized massage session designed to help you relax.
Alanya Private Yacht – Luxury on the Water
For those looking to indulge in luxury, consider booking an Alanya private yacht for a day on the Mediterranean. Enjoy the privacy and comfort of a fully equipped yacht, complete with a professional crew, delicious food, and breathtaking views. Whether you want to relax, swim, or explore Alanya’s coast, a private yacht experience provides the ultimate in luxury and exclusivity.
Unique Alanya Excursions – Tailored to Your Adventure
Alanya Jeep Safari Turkey – Off-Road Fun in the Mountains
For those who love the thrill of off-road adventures, Alanya Jeep Safari Turkey offers an exciting experience. This off-the-beaten-path tour takes you through rugged terrains, local villages, and breathtaking natural landscapes. It’s the perfect way to explore Alanya’s surrounding countryside, with plenty of stops to take in the scenery and snap some photos. The jeep safari is an exhilarating way to connect with Alanya’s nature and culture while adding a dash of excitement to your trip.
Quad Safari Alanya – Thrilling Quad Biking Adventures
Another way to experience the rugged Alanya terrain is through a quad safari Alanya. This adrenaline-filled adventure allows you to ride powerful quad bikes through dirt roads and mountain trails. Feel the wind in your hair as you zip through the scenic landscapes of Dimcay Turkey or Green Canyon Alanya. Whether you're a seasoned rider or a first-timer, the quad safari Alanya guarantees an unforgettable experience.
Scuba Diving Alanya – Dive Into the Deep Blue
For underwater enthusiasts, scuba diving Alanya offers an incredible opportunity to explore the Mediterranean Sea’s vibrant marine life. Dive into the crystal-clear waters and discover colorful reefs, shipwrecks, and fascinating sea creatures. Whether you're an experienced diver or a beginner, there are plenty of opportunities to enjoy scuba diving Alanya with professional instructors. The dive sites around Alanya water park and Cleopatra Beach are some of the most sought-after spots for diving in the region.
Alanya's Popular Water Parks and Aquatic Fun
Eftalia Aqua Park Turkey – Fun for All Ages
When the weather heats up, there’s no better way to cool off than at Eftalia Aqua Park Turkey. This sprawling water park in Alanya offers a wide range of slides, wave pools, lazy rivers, and water play areas for children. Whether you're looking to enjoy thrilling water slides or relax in the poolside cabanas, Eftalia Aqua Park Turkey provides an exciting and safe environment for families to have fun and cool down during their Alanya vacation.
Aqua Park Alanya Turkey – A Family-Favorite Destination
For even more water fun, Aqua Park Alanya Turkey is an ideal spot to spend a day with family and friends. With slides ranging from mild to wild, this water park is great for both adults and kids. Take on the big water slides, relax in the lazy river, or enjoy the wave pool for endless hours of entertainment. It’s a must-visit destination for anyone looking to enjoy water-based fun during their time in Alanya.
Alanya Water Park – Splash Into Fun
Another fantastic water-based attraction is the Alanya water park, which offers a variety of aquatic activities for guests of all ages. Whether you prefer thrilling water slides or relaxing poolside, Alanya water park provides something for everyone. The park is well-maintained and offers great amenities, making it the perfect family outing spot on a hot Alanya day. Don’t miss the chance to cool off while enjoying fun water activities with your loved ones.
Alanya’s Exclusive Experiences – Something Special for You
Alanya Private Yacht – Sail in Luxury
For those seeking the ultimate in luxury, Alanya private yacht tours provide an exclusive and tailored experience on the Mediterranean. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion, enjoying a romantic sunset cruise, or simply looking to enjoy the beauty of Alanya from the water, a private yacht offers an unmatched level of comfort and style. Your private yacht includes a crew, gourmet food, and an itinerary custom-designed to suit your desires. This experience is the epitome of luxury and exclusivity in Alanya.
Alanya VIP Yacht – The Ultimate Luxury Experience
For an even more refined experience, consider booking an Alanya VIP yacht. This premium yacht comes equipped with all the luxurious amenities you could ask for, including a private chef, onboard entertainment, and access to the most beautiful secluded beaches along the coast. If you're looking for the ultimate in relaxation and privacy, the VIP yacht experience will exceed your expectations, providing an unforgettable day on the water.
Alanya Helicopter Tour – A Bird's Eye View of the City
For those who want to experience Alanya from a completely different perspective, an Alanya helicopter tour is a thrilling and unforgettable way to see the city and its surroundings. Fly high above Alanya Castle, Cleopatra Beach, and the stunning coastline, taking in panoramic views of the Mediterranean. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply seeking adventure, the helicopter tour Alanya offers a unique way to view the beauty of the region.
Alanya’s Cultural Gems – History and Heritage Await
Alanya Castle – A Journey Through Time
No trip to Alanya is complete without visiting Alanya Castle, an ancient fortress offering panoramic views of the Mediterranean Sea and the city. Built in the 13th century, this historical site is a must-see for anyone interested in the region’s rich history. As you walk through the Alanya castle, you'll encounter remnants of ancient walls, towers, and other structures, all set against the backdrop of stunning coastal views.
Alanya Old Town – A Walk Through History
Stroll through the winding streets of Alanya old town, where history and culture are alive in every corner. With its charming architecture, cobbled streets, and quaint shops, the old town offers a glimpse into Alanya’s past. Visit historical landmarks such as Alanya Castle, explore the bustling Alanya market, and sample delicious local cuisine at one of the many cafes and restaurants.
Cleopatra Beach Alanya – Sun, History, and Relaxation
Legend has it that Cleopatra Beach Alanya is where the famous Egyptian queen swam during her visits to the region. Today, it’s one of the most beautiful beaches in Turkey, with soft golden sand and clear blue waters. Whether you want to relax on the beach, swim in the crystal-clear waters, or enjoy a variety of water sports, Cleopatra Beach Alanya offers a unique combination of relaxation and history.
What are the must-see attractions in Alanya?
Alanya offers a wide range of must-see attractions for every type of traveler. Some of the top attractions include:
- Sapadere Canyon: A natural wonder with stunning waterfalls and lush greenery.
- Dim Cave: A magnificent underground cave with unique rock formations.
- Alanya Castle: A historic fortress offering panoramic views of the city.
- Cleopatra Beach: A beautiful beach known for its soft golden sand and crystal-clear waters.
- Land of Legends Show: A spectacular performance full of lights, music, and wonder.
What outdoor activities are available in Alanya?
Alanya is perfect for outdoor enthusiasts looking to explore nature and enjoy adventure. Some popular activities include:
- Paragliding Alanya: Soar above Cleopatra Beach with stunning views of the coastline.
- Alanya rafting: Ride the fast-moving waters of the Taurus Mountains.
- Jeep Safari Alanya: Explore Alanya’s rugged terrain on an exciting off-road adventure.
- Scuba Diving Alanya: Dive into the Mediterranean to discover vibrant marine life.
- Boat tours: Enjoy relaxing or adventurous boat trips along Alanya’s scenic coastline.
How can I book a boat tour in Alanya?
Booking a boat tour in Alanya is simple and can be done online. We offer several options, including private boat trips, pirate ship adventures, and relaxing sightseeing cruises. Visit our Alanya boat tour page, select your preferred tour, and secure your spot with a few clicks. Don't miss the chance to experience Alanya from the sea!
Are there any family-friendly activities in Alanya?
Absolutely! Alanya is full of family-friendly attractions and activities that cater to all ages. Some highlights include:
- Dolphin Show Alanya: A fun and educational show for all ages, where you can see dolphins perform incredible tricks.
- Aqua Park Alanya Turkey: A water park with thrilling slides, wave pools, and lazy rivers perfect for families.
- Pirate Ship Alanya: A themed boat tour with pirate entertainment, water activities, and stunning coastal views.
- Alanya History Hamam: Experience a traditional Turkish bath with your loved ones, offering a relaxing and cultural experience.
What’s the best way to explore Alanya’s history?
If you're interested in Alanya’s rich history, there are several ways to immerse yourself in the past. Some great options include:
- Alanya City Tour: Explore the iconic Alanya Castle, the ancient Alanya old town, and the Dim Cave. Learn about Alanya’s Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman heritage.
- Alanya History Hamam: Enjoy a traditional Turkish bath, which is an integral part of the country’s history and culture.
- Cleopatra Beach: Visit the legendary beach where Cleopatra herself is said to have swum.
How do I get to Alanya from the airport?
Alanya is easily accessible from two main airports: Gazipaşa Airport and Antalya Airport. We provide convenient Alanya airport transfer services, ensuring a smooth and stress-free journey to your destination. Whether you're traveling solo, with family, or in a group, our airport transfer service will take you directly to your hotel or vacation rental. Book your transfer in advance for a hassle-free start to your Alanya vacation.
What is the best time to visit Alanya?
The best time to visit Alanya is from April to October, when the weather is warm and ideal for outdoor activities. The summer months (June to August) offer sunny, beach-perfect days, perfect for water sports and boat trips. Spring and autumn are great for exploring historical sites like Dim Cave and Alanya Castle, as the weather is milder.
Can I visit Alanya for a relaxing vacation?
Yes, Alanya is perfect for a relaxing vacation. You can unwind at beautiful beaches like Cleopatra Beach, enjoy a rejuvenating massage in Alanya, or indulge in a relaxing spa experience at one of the luxurious Alanya spas. If you're looking to unwind even further, visit the Alanya History Hamam for a traditional Turkish bath, or take a peaceful walk along Dim River for a tranquil escape.
Are there adventure tours in Alanya?
Alanya offers adventure tours for those seeking thrills! Some top adventure activities include:
- Paragliding in Alanya: Take in aerial views of Alanya’s coast while soaring above Cleopatra Beach.
- Alanya Rafting: Ride the rapids of the Taurus Mountains in an exciting rafting adventure.
- Jeep Safari in Alanya: Journey through rugged terrains, picturesque villages, and wild landscapes.
- Scuba Diving in Alanya: Explore underwater caves, shipwrecks, and vibrant reefs.
These adventures are sure to satisfy those looking for excitement and adrenaline during their Alanya trip.
Блог о путешествиях по Алании
Пятизвездочные рестораны в Алании
Аланья — оживленный город у моря на южном побережье Турции, предлагающий широкий выбор гастрономических впечатлений для всех, от любителей вкусно поесть до роскошных путешественников и местных жителей. Известная своими прекрасными...
Пятизвездочные рестораны в Алании
Аланья — оживленный город у моря на южном побережье Турции, предлагающий широкий выбор гастрономических впечатлений для всех, от любителей вкусно поесть до роскошных путешественников и местных жителей. Известная своими прекрасными...
Что нельзя пропустить в Алании
Расположенная на прекрасном южном побережье Турции, Аланья полна приключений, культуры и потрясающих видов. В этом очаровательном месте есть что-то для каждого — любите ли вы волнение, историю или просто хотите...
Что нельзя пропустить в Алании
Расположенная на прекрасном южном побережье Турции, Аланья полна приключений, культуры и потрясающих видов. В этом очаровательном месте есть что-то для каждого — любите ли вы волнение, историю или просто хотите...
Что и где поесть в Алании?
Аланья — рай для отдыха не только благодаря своим прекрасным пляжам и историческим местам, но и богатой и разнообразной гастрономической сцене. Расположенная на Турецкой Ривьере, Аланья предлагает восхитительное кулинарное путешествие,...
Что и где поесть в Алании?
Аланья — рай для отдыха не только благодаря своим прекрасным пляжам и историческим местам, но и богатой и разнообразной гастрономической сцене. Расположенная на Турецкой Ривьере, Аланья предлагает восхитительное кулинарное путешествие,...
Лучшие бесплатные развлечения в Алании
Алания известна как жемчужина Средиземноморья и предлагает незабываемые впечатления от отпуска. Она привлекает всех типов путешественников своими историческими замками, прекрасными пляжами и оживленной ночной жизнью. Вы можете отлично провести время...
Лучшие бесплатные развлечения в Алании
Алания известна как жемчужина Средиземноморья и предлагает незабываемые впечатления от отпуска. Она привлекает всех типов путешественников своими историческими замками, прекрасными пляжами и оживленной ночной жизнью. Вы можете отлично провести время...
Plan Your Unforgettable Alanya Trip Today
Planning your dream vacation to Alanya is easy with Alanya trips from Tripventura. If you’re interested in historical tours, adventurous excursions, or relaxing beach days, we offer customizable itineraries tailored to your preferences. You can choose from a range of activities, including Dim Cave Alanya tours, paragliding in Alanya, Alanya boat tours, and more. Let us help you create the perfect trip that suits your travel style.